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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Feeling the cool

I absolutely love this time of year. I know I am probably alone in enjoying the early dark & the cold but they feel like such a soft embrace to me. I am happy to come inside early & settle down to some sewing, knitting, baking or even just snuggle with a good book.
We are still enjoying being so close to the sea. I love it in all it's moods but really enjoy seeing the awesome surging power at this time of year. 
The sunsets have been a riot of colour & light. Spectacular!!

Mind you it would not be fun to have to be out in this weather overnight & I have been doing loads of knitting to donate to the homeless shelter here in Worthing. My knitting has never progressed beyond the basic purl & plain but it is enough for a warming scarf.

 So far I have handed over 17, have another 2 ready to be dropped off & have another on the needles. It's what I do while waiting. Waiting for anything is perfect knitting time.

Loving what I do.

Lush x


  1. LOVE your photo!! Oh how I envy you living by the sea!!!

    1. I was amazed at being able to capture the light as it is only the camera in my phone. The sunsets here are truly breathtaking & I have shed several tears over the sheer beauty.
      Every day we feel so blessed to live here.


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