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Monday, August 22, 2011

Car boot booty!!

Saturday saw us off to Leigh On Sea again to try our luck at the car boot sale. And didn't we score!!
Some of this is for our home but most of it will be used for a little shop project with one of our friends or will be sold on Ebay. I am hoping this will raise me enough income so I don't have to go back to an office job.
We also revisited the mulberry tree and did a bit of gleening. Picked enough berries for the Prince to make us a yummy rustic pie. This was delicious!!
We also bought some sampfire which we had tossed in garlic & butter. Very interesting taste, the Prince describes it as wet but salty. Pretty accurate.
Pork with Sampfire, potatoes & triple ginger nectarine chutney
I know that you are all waiting for pictures of the badgers but while we wait here is another of our regular visitors. Perched on our neighbours shed just checking out the domain. So cute.
Life here is good.
Lush xox

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